Today’s blogpost and rambling is going to feature two books, I know, crazy right! But it’s my blog and I do what I want! Anyways, back to business, today I am featuring two rather short books from the same author, the author in question is Hailey Piper. So, without further ado let’s begin:

“The Possession of Natalie Glasgow”
Heather Glasgow’s daughter, Natalie is not well, she spends her daytime sleeping, at night she prowls their house growling and eating all the raw meat in the kitchen. With medical science not having any answers, Heather gets the help from Margaret Willow, a midwife to some and witch to others. Margaret is set to discover the truth to Natalie’s strange behaviour.
I must admit I am a bit picky when it comes to possession stories, for me possessions become old hat quickly, so it is always refreshing when someone brings something fresh and new to the table of possession horror, though I will not say what is different in this tale, because then I would spoil the big reveal. So instead I am just going to say, go buy this book and find out for yourself! What this story does well is that it starts from the get-go with tension and it doesn’t give it up. No slow burn to be found here!
It is not a long tale, the book clocks in on around 100 pages, so you will probably do as me and finish it in one sitting. To be honest that is the biggest flaw with this book, I wish it was longer, would like to see more of the possession manifesting in Natalie and could also do with a bit more backstory of Margaret, just feel like there is more to her.
All in all, it’s a great little tale
I give this book a strong 4/5 raw slabs of meat!
So, as soon as I finished this one, I went straight from this book to the next one, which was:
